Just a “Regular” Doctor

“What’s your specialty?” This question continually flummoxes me. This is the moment that I experience a brief surge of envy toward my cardiology and dermatology colleagues who have simple one-word answers to this question that any lay person can understand. More

The Doctor-Patient Relationship is Alive and Well

Medicine is unquestionably harder than it was 10 years ago. Many more doctors I know talk about quitting (an option that is not equally available to patients). However, there’s been no mass exodus of doctors. We doctors grumble loudly—often with good cause—but we aren’t quitting in droves, mainly because of patients like Ms. M. More

“What Doctors Feel” in Japanese

こんにちわ Kon’nichiwa! Beacon Press is excited to announce that “What Doctors Feel” is now available in Japanese!. More

Why Does the Physical Exam Stop at the Navel?

It’s like our patients are Humpty Dumpty, and the pieces are divvied out between different medical fields. Can we put the patient back together again? More

“Literature about medicine may be all that can save us”

“Language, that most human invention,” wrote Oliver Sacks, “can enable what, in principle, should not be possible. It can allow all of us, even the congenitally blind, to see with another person’s eyes.” In the last decade or two, a new generation of doctor writers – including Atul Gawande, Abraham Verghese, Henry Marsh,Danielle Ofri, Siddhartha Mukherjee, Paul Kalanithi and Gavin Francis – have undertaken the mission of seeing in this fashion. More

Documentary: Why Doctors Write

Ken Browne Productions is excited to launch the film, “Why Doctors Write: Finding Humanity in Medicine.” Danielle Ofri is filmed at Bellevue Hospital along with one of her long-time patients. The film explores storytelling and creativity in medicine. More

Should Doctors Care About Happiness?

We in the health care professions need to notice and inquire about happiness the same way we do other aspects of our patients’ lives. More

A Doctor in the Neighborhood

There aren’t any ethical guidelines about where a doctor should live or how she should behave when she and her patient are in line at the grocery store. More

Danielle Ofri discusses Oliver Sacks on NPR’s ‘Science Friday’

Danielle Ofri discusses Oliver Sack’s memoir “On the Move” with Maria Popova and Annie Minoff on NPR’s Science Friday. More

Patients, and Doctors, Aren’t Dying at Home

Doctors, it turns out, aren’t much different than everyone else when it comes to where they die. More

Danielle Ofri on NPR’s ‘Only Human’

Danielle Ofri joins host Mary Harris of “Only Human” to share doctors’ confessions. In this case, Danielle “confesses” what it was like to be a patient. More

The “Mall-ification” of Health Care

Retail health clinics have exploded over the last 10 years, and now it seems like every other big box store, supermarket and shopping mall has its own clinic. More

Getting the Diagnosis Wrong

Diagnostic accuracy is fiendishly difficult to measure precisely. A new report suggests that nearly everyone will experience at least one diagnostic error in their lifetimes. More

Getting the Diagnosis Right

If I had the luxury of an hour with each patient, I would have the time to carefully sort through every diagnostic possibility. But the reality is that I, like most doctors, have five to 10 minutes to push the majority of diagnoses to the bottom of the list, come up with the most likely few at the top. More

Adding Spice to the Slog: Humanities in Medical Training

As soon as we’d finish rounds on the medical wards I’d race to pass out an Anatole Broyard essay in the nanoseconds before dispersal entropy overtook our team. More

Books by Danielle Ofri
