Danielle Ofri in conversation with Oliver Sacks–Video

Danielle Ofri in conversation Oliver Sacks. Hear the full conversation, ranging from the ethics of using patients’ stories, to the ins and outs of hallucinations, to the relative merits of Bach versus Beethoven. More

NYU Stories review of “What Doctors Feel”

A rare glimpse into the effects of shuttling from patient to patient without being allowed to process the powerful feelings—fear, anger, grief—that naturally arise when lives are at stake. More

Lab, Interrupted

All academic medical centers rest on a tripod—patient care, education and research. The effect of Hurricane Sandy on the third leg of that tripod—research—has gotten the least attention, partly because rescuing cell cultures just isn’t as dramatic as carrying an I.C.U. patient on a ventilator down flights of stairs in the dark. But, of course, there is an incontrovertible link between those cell cultures and that patient. More

Books by Danielle Ofri
