
It Shouldn’t Be This Easy to Lose Health Insurance

Why do Americans even have to “remember” to get health insurance every year? We don’t ask citizens to remember to enroll with the fire department every year, or to remember to sign up for electricity service or water. More

Women in Medicine Transforming Healthcare

Danielle Ofri and Lucy Lester discuss the history and the current status of women in medicine, and how women have transformed healthcare.
Co-sponsored by AMWA (American Women’s Medical Association) & WIMLF (Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation). More

How We Treat Our Fellow Americans

The blossoming truth of “No Apparent Distress” is that a segment of American society has been casually cast aside, left to scavenge on the meager scraps of volunteer health services, and failing that, left to die. Some politicians might call this “choice.” A more medically accurate term would be abandonment. More

Books by Danielle Ofri
