Danielle Ofri tells the story of one of her very first patients. Listen to Danielle as she performs live for the Moth at the Players’ Theater in New York City (as part of the World Science Festival)
Danielle’s TED talk on “Deconstructing Perfection” from TEDMED
Danielle is featured in Ken Browne’s upcoming documentary, “Why Doctors Write.”
Can Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine?
Danielle Ofri in conversation with Oliver Sacks, at NYU School of Medicine
Danielle Ofri discusses “Why Doctors Write” with Beacon Press director Helene Atwan. Broadcast on WGBH Boston.
Bringing the Humanity Back to Medicine
Danielle speaks with New York Times Science Editor Mike Mason
Listen to Danielle on NPR’s All Things Considered
Listen to Danielle on  WNYC radio:  the Leonard Lopate show, the Brian Lehrer show, and The Takeaway
Danielle reads the dramatic tale “Tools of the Trade.†(From Incidental Findings)
Danielle reads the harrowing story “Possessing Her Words†(from Singular Intimacies; Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue)
Danielle speaks about “The Time-Harried Physician”
Danielle speaks about  Multiculturalism.
Danielle Ofri in conversation with Alan Alda, Frank Stella, Paula Scher, and Nobel Laureate Gunter Blobel at Rockefeller University, speaking on “Compelled to Create.†Listen to the discussion here.
Danielle reads “July 1st,” the poignant and funny story about the first day of internship. (From Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Danielle reads the powerful essay “Intensive Care” (from Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue)
Book trailer for Medicine in Translation
Barnes & Noble in New York City